It was a snowy day. The kids were out of school. They were bored. They wanted to go out and play. The kids wanted to drink hot chocolate. After they drank hot chocolate, they went out to play in the snow. They took a scarf and a pair of mittens, and they took some buttons that their mom had and a hat. And, they went out to build balls of snow. They used one for the head, one for the body, and the put a hat and some boots on this thing. It got really cold. The snow creation got more frozen, and when they got outside the next day, the snow creation started to move. The snowman, his name was Happy. It was very magical. It ran around with them all day and built the Christmas tree at their house. They decorated it, and he even dressed as Santa Claus and brought the kids presents on Christmas Day. But, eventually it got hot, and he melted away. The kids were sad, but he had told them before that he’d be back someday.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Mandy's Short Story
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Christmas at The Charles Family SmartHome
In that spirit, here’s some photos of a group of folks who became housemates this year and are now sharing the experience of living in a technologically advanced home designed to provide them with opportunities to become more independent and have better community access. They are rapidly becoming good friends and it shows.
We hope you will enjoy these nice pictures of residents of the Charles Family SmartHome in Longmont celebrating Christmas at the home and at Imagine!’s holiday party.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Donna's Diary - December 2010
And for more of Donna’s diary entries, click here.
Well, this is the best Christmas I've ever had because I'm able to share it with friends and loved ones, some I haven't seen in a long time.
Since my last diary entry, on Thanksgiving we went to Zolo Southwestern Grill for a totally free Thanksgiving dinner, with lots of great food, drinks, and dessert. It was a wonderful time, and very generous of the man who owns the restaurant to provide us with such a good meal.
Gerald and I are getting new wheelchairs in January. We got evaluated and just received a letter in the mail saying the chairs will come in January. We were hoping they'd make nice Christmas presents but January is soon enough. At least I have a power chair to tide me over. Gerald has been temporarily using a manual chair, and in case you don't know, he is used to operating his power chair with a head switch so not having that chair has been a challenge for him. He deals with it well. That's my husband, he makes the best of things.
We have a decorated tree up in the house, and some of us will be celebrating Christmas here. Some of my housemates will be visiting their families. Me, Gerald, Mandy, and Chris plan to be here at the SmartHome though. It's nice the others will be with family, but I will miss them.
I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2011.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Imagine! Holiday Party
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Why I Like Living In The SmartHome
One of our favorite sections included quotes from residents about why they liked living at the SmartHome. Here’s some samples:
Touch screen computers.
Sinks and countertops that go up and down.
Like it all. Love the computers. Love to write stories. Latest story was about Snoopy.
Much better than the duplex that I lived in before. There were too many doors to go through.
My wife.
DynaVox helps me talk.
Enjoy living here.
Kitchen counters. Like to cook.
Music. Likes to listen to music.
My room. Like the space.
Thanks Amber for your hard work and sharing this information!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Congratulations Nate!
This year’s Employees of Distinction were selected from an impressive list of nominees because of the great work they do every day to ensure that Imagine! is able to meet its mission of providing opportunities for the individuals it serves.
As you may already know, we are so fortunate! at Imagine! to have so many dedicated, talented, and passionate people working here at Imagine!. Even among this impressive group of employees, there are workers whose work ethic, compassion, and creativity allow them to stand out in a very gifted crowd. They are truly Employees of Distinction.
Learn a little bit more about why Nate was selected by reading the quote from his nomination form below. You can learn about all of Imagine!'s 2010 Employees of Distinction by clicking here.
Congratulations, Nate!
“Nate does a great job at keeping a cool, clear head in any difficult situation and continues to provide a subjective point of view and innovative ideas when tackling unexpected problems.”
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Get a sneak peak of their presentation below.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Colorado Gives Day Is Today

Imagine! is participating in this new initiative that will help raise $1 million in one day for charities. Help us bring in our share!
TODAY UNTIL MIDNIGHT, you have an opportunity to increase the value of your gift. FirstBank has provided $250,000 as the lead gift for a Colorado Gives Day Incentive Fund that will leverage donations made through The Incentive Fund (now at $320,000!) will be proportionally allocated across all donations received today, increasing the value of each gift. In addition, 100% of your online gift and the extra incentive will go to Imagine! – no bank fees! Just go to the Imagine! website at: and press the Donate Here! button on the right hand side. It will take you directly to Imagine!'s page on the Giving First website.
Note: Imagine! Celebration ticket, table, and sponsorship purchases (because you receive goods -- dinners -- back in return) are not eligible.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Social Media Use At Imagine! and the SmartHomes
Check out the video below, featuring SmartHome residents Mandy and Anthony, to learn more.
Friday, December 3, 2010
SmartHome In The News
They also made this video:
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Donna's Diary - November 2010
And check out Donna’s blog!
My name is Donna Fairchild Stopa. I moved into the Charles SmartHome on July 3, 2009. I unpacked, then toured the neighborhood to meet our new neighbors. I love my new home. My life is becoming more of what I want it to be. Instead of living in a place where people have to take care of me, I now have a place to call home where I can do more things for myself.
This has been the most spectacular month of my entire life. It’s still sinking in that I’m married to Gerald. I love to see the smiles on people’s faces and to know that they are smiling because they are happy for us. One of the things I like about being married is being called Mrs. instead of Miss. Another good thing is that in the past month I’ve had more hours for my job at In-Clover. I used to work one day a week, and now I work three.
I have been a member of Imagine!’s Board of Directors for the past eight years, and as a Board member I want to do my part to help spread the word about the important work that Imagine! does. That is why I’ve been writing a monthly diary about my experiences living in the Charles SmartHome, working at In-Clover, and learning at CORE/Labor Source classes. You can find it by doing a word search at the Imagine! web site for: Donna’s Diary. (Or you can click here to go directly to my diary).
I hope you will follow along and share in this experience with us as we learn how to budget how to spend our money and spend it wisely. And now that I’m working more days, I make more money. Of course Gerald likes that too.
I hope you will also follow up on my blog because it and my marriage are new phases of my blessed life.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Thanks To Dave Query and Big Red F Restaurant Group
Query donated the makings for a delicious Zolo-style repast with all the trimmings, and the wait staff volunteered its time. There was no charge for the meal for the clients and their families, and no tips were necessary. Query said that he just likes to make the day a little easier for families associated with Imagine!.
This was the seventh year Query has offered this generous opportunity, and in the last six years, The Big Red F Restaurant Group has donated Thanksgiving dinner to over 2,500 Imagine! clients and families.
So here’s a post-Thanksgiving thanks to Dave and his staff for providing such a fantastic holiday meal!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Good luck, Greg!
See more on upcoming, and previous, presentations by clicking here.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Mandy's Poetry
It was as round as a ball.
You can throw it on the beach,
Or you can put frosting on it.
A ball bounces on the ground.
It makes a very loud sound.
It makes a boom,
But the thread goes on a loom.
So, that’s the ball
That will fall
On the ground
And make a sound.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Who's Touring The SmartHome?

The delegates were selected to participate in the Open World program, an exchange program funded by the Open World Leadership Center at the Library of Congress.
An article about the Russians’ SmartHome tour ran on the front page of the Longmont Times-Call the following Saturday. Check out the article by clicking here.
And yesterday, Tom Darcy, Senior Consultant with IBM, toured the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome in Boulder.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Gerald's Vegas Adventure

Friday, November 19, 2010
The Russians Are Coming (To The SmartHome)

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Who's Touring The SmartHome?
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Anthony Gets Social
Want more information on why we encourage our residents to use Social Media? Well, many different organizations serving individuals with developmental disabilities here in Colorado who use the word “community” in either their mission statement or even as part of their name. It is in Imagine!’s mission statement.
Social Media is all about community. There are groups out there on the internet for every interest, hobby, or pastime you can think of, and a lot more you probably never thought of. And technology has made accessing those communities relatively easy, even for those with significant disabilities. So it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense for organizations with a stated mission of providing community access and opportunities for people with disabilities to not at least explore this new avenue of access to communities.
Is having consumers engage in Social Media is a risk-free endeavor? Of course not. But neither is taking a consumer to the recreation center, or to a baseball game, or even to work. We all accept those risks as part of what we do because we think it is important to provide opportunities for community interaction, and we take steps to mitigate those risks. Why can’t we do the same for Social Media?
And here’s an even more important consideration, the main reason Imagine! encourages consumers to use social media. In the virtual world, a person’s disability is invisible. Say, for example, a consumer joins a Facebook group dedicated to the Denver Broncos. All the other people in the group just see the consumer as a fellow fanatic – someone just like them. The consumer can engage in these online communities and conversations without barriers and without judgment. That meets Imagine!’s mission and goals in an incredible powerful, and empowering, way.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Who’s Touring the SmartHome Today?

In the past 15 years, more than 200 Imagine! consumers have attended and graduated from the class. The class was developed through a collaborative effort between the Boulder Police Department and the Association for Community Living (ACL) serving Boulder and Broomfield Counties, and is free of charge. Classes are offered to both adults and teens.
Welcome Kris, and thanks for all you do for the people we serve at Imagine!.
If you’d like to take a tour, just click here.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Mandy's Short Story
Charlie is a very young boy. He really wanted a dog. The dog he wanted was a beagle. The dog was all white, and he had a black nose and long, black, floppy ears. Charlie found out that his friend Lucy had a dog, and it was going to have puppies. The dog had the babies, and Charlie wanted a dog so bad that his friend Lucy just gave him a puppy. Charlie decided to name his dog Snoopy, and Snoopy was very talented. He had a lot of talents. Even though he was a dog, he acted like he was a human. He and Charlie walked to a pumpkin patch, and then they took the pumpkins home and carved them. His dog did everything humans did. The dog was very cuddly. They baked cookies and went trick-or-treating. Snoopy and Charlie found an old building, and they made it into a haunted house.
Everyone found out about Charlie’s dog, and they wanted to see him because he was so talented. Charlie got him a red collar, and he engraved Charlie’s address and Snoopy’s name in it. Snoopy refused to wear it. Snoopy tried to hide it, but Charlie always found it.
When Charlie went to school, Snoopy would climb the fence. They bought Halloween costumes. Snoopy even ate human food even though it’s really bad for dogs. Charlie couldn’t stop him. Snoopy was even allowed to get in the swimming pool. Charlie even built him a doghouse. He wanted to be in school. He would wait on the lawn until Charlie got out of school.
Peppermint Patty took a sewing class and made outfits for Snoopy. They all had a Halloween party after that.*Mandy wishes to thank Charles Schultz for providing the inspiration for this story.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
CORE/Labor Source Art Show and Performance

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
International Campaign Update

The purpose of the grant is to allow the Imagine! SmartHomes Project to support an international campaign to educate the international community on how assistive and adaptive energy efficient technologies can provide support for the very neediest individuals with developmental or cognitive disabilities.
We recently presented the CEHF with an annual report on our progress, which has been substantial. Here’s some highlights from the report:
Imagine!’s guiding philosophy is that all individuals, regardless of ability or disability, have talents and strengths that make them vital members of their communities. We believe that our mission and advocacy of the disabled community is universal and is as crucially important to the developing world as it is here in the United States.
The purpose of the grant is to allow the Imagine! SmartHomes Project to support an international campaign to educate the international community on how assistive and adaptive energy efficient technologies can provide support for the very neediest individuals with developmental or cognitive disabilities.
In this Annual Report we present those countries and international organizations that have shown the greatest interest in the SmartHome International Campaign to date and are now continuing to work with Imagine! either in developing a joint project in their country or region, or continuing to support Imagine! by their advocacy of this very important endeavor.
European Union: In April 2010, we began the formal process of discussing with the Colorado European Union Center of Excellence (CEUCE) at the University of Colorado at Boulder, how to address the possibility of bringing representatives from the EU to tour the Boulder SmartHome. Through a series of meetings and emails with Dr. Joseph Jupille, Director of CEUCE and the Assistant Director Felicia Naranjo-Martinez, information regarding our campaign was presented to the European Union Delegation to the United States in Washington, DC. The benefits of this exchange culminated in the formal tour of the Boulder SmartHome on May 4 th, 2010, by Angelos Pangratis, Chargé d’ Affaires and Acting Head of Delegation of the European Union to the United States. This very high level tour by the leading diplomat of the European Union to the United States highlighted the relevance of our campaign to the 27 member countries of the EU. Ambassador Pangratis wrote about his tour of the SmartHome in his weekly newsletter on May 7 th, 2010: “I visited a sustainable housing project featuring innovative assistive technology to serve individuals with developmental disabilities or in need of assistance in their daily lives. The Imagine SmartHome is a great example of Colorado's important growth industries of medical technology and medical supplies, which I believe will be extremely relevant, among others, for the large generations of seniors who in the coming years will want to stay in their homes as long as possible but might need assistance to perform certain tasks.” The Imagine! SmartHome was now acknowledged formally, by the European Union Delegation to the United States.
Belgium: On April 7 th, 2010 we were informed by CEUCE Director Dr. Joseph Jupille of a possible tour of the SmartHome by the Ambassador of Belgium. On April 28th, 2010 it was confirmed by CEUCE Assistant Director Felicia Naranjo-Martinez, of a Boulder SmartHome tour request by the Office of Jan Matthysen, Belgium Ambassador to the United States. On May 27th, Ambassador and Mrs. Matthysen, Frank Schuchat the Honorary Belgian Counsel to Colorado, and other Belgian representatives toured the Imagine! Boulder SmartHome and engaged in an interesting discussion on assisted living cost comparisons between Europe and the US, with SmartHome creator and Imagine! Business Development Director, Greg Wellems.
France: On April 1, 2010, we contacted the office of Madame Nadine Morano, Secretary of State for the Government of France. We were able to have the assistance of a respected French businessman, Philippe Lepercq who also provided excellent translation services and valuable French Government contact information and facilitated the introduction of the Imagine! SmartHome international campaign to the Government of France. At the time, it appeared we would be able to travel to France to meet with Ms. Morano’s team, as her office had expressed interest in having us meet with her Disability Chief, Madame Canuet, personally to discuss our campaign in Paris in May. Regretfully, because of budgetary constraints regarding a unilateral trip to Paris, we requested a video conference with Madame Canuet’s Office, but were told that scheduling would need to be approached later in the year.
United States: Support from the US Department of Commerce continues. We applied to be a part of a trade delegation from the US to Saudi Arabia and Qatar after an invitation by the Department of Commerce. After a thorough review of our application by the trade specialists assigned to the delegation, it appeared our project would be too progressive for any public disability programs within those countries, and we were recommended to focus on countries with existing and advanced social programs for the disabled community. The US Department of Commerce’s Director for Colorado and Wyoming, Paul Bergman and his office have continued to express interest in supporting the international campaign, which is greatly appreciated. A further, positive development has been with the US Government Department of Health and Human Services Director of the Office on Disability, Henry Claypool. Mr. Claypool is very knowledgeable about Imagine! and its programs from the late 80s, when he was a student at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He has been gracious with his time through email from his staff and personal phone conversations and has expressed interest on reviewing data on the SmartHome and its potential to cut Medicare costs in the future, by its use of energy efficient assistive and adaptive technologies.
Israel: In early June, we sent an email to Mr. Lawrence Normie, Executive Director of Geron Tech, the Israeli Center for Assistive Technology and Aging and received this very positive reply:
“Thank you for your mail; the information on Imagine! certainly is of topical interest. I am a member of a nongovernmental task group currently examining the strategic and functional requirements for deployment of smart home technologies for national aging-in-place programs here in Israel. I will distribute the information you have provided to my colleagues in the task group.”
Serbia: As indicated in the Interim Report, we have been in productive discussions with the Beneficiaries Center in Belgrade since March of this year. Through contacts made by SmartHome creator Greg Wellems based on an assistance mission to Belgrade in the early 00’s, Greg was able to propose the SmartHome international campaign to Rachel Chanin, the Director of the Beneficiaries Center. The Beneficiaries Center is in the process of securing a housing grant from the US Department of Defense (DoD) to help develop an assisted living facility. Imagine! submitted in September a proposal for an assistive and adaptive technology pilot project for the Beneficiaries Center. The project seeks to improve communications and motility, and overall greater independence for 16 Serbian participants. Here are quotes from page one of the proposal, beginning with paragraph 3:
“The project is to be conducted to educate members of the local Serbian community while being an example to the wider international community, on how to implement a project of this merit and scale. The project’s implementation is within the context of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (“UNCRPD”) in regards to knowledge and technology information sharing. According to the United Nations, the estimated disabled population in the developing world alone is 520 million people. Assistive and adaptive technologies can provide a cost-effective alternative to traditional services for people that are most in need.”And paragraphs 8 and 9 of the same page:
“Imagine! is proposing a unique partnership with the Beneficiaries Center. The partnership is designed to combine Imagine!’s expertise of supporting and providing assistive and adaptive technical support systems for individuals with developmental and cognitive disabilities, with the Beneficiaries Center’s knowledge and desire of improving the lives of individuals with developmental and cognitive disabilities in Belgrade.
The proposal is to have these two organizations working together, to implement technological devices that are designed to promote independence for individuals with developmental and cognitive disabilities. Most devices are relatively low cost, mobile and can be programmed into the individual’s native language. The assistive devices are an important tool to assist individuals with disabilities to learn and develop new skills to live productive lives within their communities”.
Germany: We received an email in April from Stephan Meyer, Christian Democratic Union Party (CDU) Member of Saxony State Parliament and CDU Spokesperson for Environmental Issues, who replied to our email from February on companies that would be interested in the technologies in the SmartHome. We sent him a thank you email, but because of the costs presently associated with travel to Germany in our campaign, we will await formal follow-up with the German companies once we receive additional funding.
Bulgaria: We met last February with Mr. Genady Kondarev, Consultant for Sustainable Energy Solutions, after which we also followed up with an email. He said he will look into the possibilities of our project in Bulgaria, but he felt that getting government support may be challenging. He has since sent a few emails of strong support for our project stating that he felt that we would have more positive outcomes in European countries that are already mentioned in this report.
AAATE, The Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe: From June through August, 2010, we have been in extensive contact (phone and email) with Board Members of AAATE, representing some 30 countries. AAATE’s mission is "to stimulate the advancement of assistive technology for the benefit of people with disabilities, including elderly people".
The World Bank: We continue to be in contact with the Disability Team of the World Bank to offer helpful information on the international campaign and request assistance for aspects of our program. We encourage the World Bank’s participation in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). The UN and the World Bank met within the context of the UNCRPD in the United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Accessibility, World Bank Headquarters, Washington, DC, 28 - 30 June 2010. A summary of the meeting is as follows:
The Expert meeting provided a forum for intensive exchanges of knowledge and experience relating to norms and standards, institutional arrangements, governance, technologies and actual practice related to accessibility and reasonable accommodation in the physical environments as well as in the fields of information and communication technologies(ICT). Special attention was directed to environmental and ICT accessibility and advancement of persons with disabilities in the context of developing countries. Universal design accorded special attention in the review and analysis of issues, trends and priorities for action in promoting accessibility as a means and goal of development.
Meeting objectives pursued by means of select presentations and round-table discussions of issues, trends, key concepts and practical methods of planning, design and evaluation of accessible environments in countries. Group work focused on examination and identification of (1) strategic frameworks to promote inclusive development and environmental accessibility with reasonable accommodation for all, and (2) priorities for action to strengthen national capacities and institutions and (3) empowerment of persons with disabilities and their communities to participate as agents and beneficiaries in analysis, planning and design, implementation and evaluation of accessible environments in urban and rural areas.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Partnership Success

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Donna's Diary - October 2010
And see all of Donna's diary entries here.
The life of Mrs. Stopa (me) has been a very busy one. We’ve had plenty of activities to go to, and when we’re not on the go, we’ve enjoyed some fun times at the SmartHome watching DVDs and enjoying each others’ company. Little House on the Prairie was one of the movies we watched.
We’ve got the front door of the house decorated with Halloween stickers. My friend Chloe, who I met when she wanted to volunteer for Imagine! two years ago, helped me put some stickers on the door.
I really appreciate and enjoy my time with Chloe. When we get together, we often play cards (Go Fish, War, and Uno), and we sometimes play the game Sorry. We have two editions, the regular one and the Disney one.
My job at In Clover is going well. On Wednesday, we packed 144 bags of dog treats, which is a very productive day. I love my job there, the owners are really nice.
I still enjoy the SmartHome a lot, and I do mean a lot. That’s because some of my best friends live here. I remember when we had our first meeting when we got together to talk about the SmartHome. At the time, I didn’t realize that some of my longtime friends would be living here, like Mandy. What a bonus.
We have plenty of Halloween activities planned. Today, Friday, we are having a Halloween party at the CORE/Labor Source office in Boulder, and we are planning to go to Foothills Group Home in north Boulder Sunday afternoon to hang out with our friends there. Then we will come back home to hand out treats to the neighborhood kids, then go out trick or treating ourselves. I called the Chamber of Commerce and found out that little kids will be trick or treating from 5 o’clock until 6 o’clock, and then the bigger kids and adults will be going out from 7 until 8 o’clock. It sure looks like it will be another exciting day at the SmartHome.
Happy Halloween to you all.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Data Says: It's Working!

The overall findings matched well with the goal of our SmartHomes project. For instance, the research showed a large increase in residents’ perception of their control over their own lives. One of the key reasons for using technology was to provide the individuals served in the home the opportunity to become more independent, so we were very pleased to see this result.
Other areas where the research showed positive increases among residents included: feeling safer in their new home, feeling respected by others around them, number of personal relationships, and access to resources the residents felt they needed.
Another interesting finding, one that fits well with our goal of delivering services in a more cost effective manner, was that the increases above were noted while residents also reported a decrease in the number of services and staff interactions. Given the current state of the developmental disabilities service delivery and provision system in Colorado and the nation, that is exactly the result we are hoping for, as it demonstrates that it is possible to provide quality services even as the resources available for providing those services continue to dwindle.
The research data showed us that we still have some things to work on, though. For example, the data showed little change in how involved residents felt they were in their community. Community involvement is the cornerstone of Imagine!’s mission, and we believe that technology provides an opportunity for increasing such involvement. As more technologies go online at the SmartHome, we feel we will start seeing an increase in community involvement. But seeing the current data reminds us we still have a way to go and encourages us to redouble our efforts.
We’d like to thank the researchers from Colorado WIN Partners for their hard work and dedication. Danette Muselman and Elizabeth Woodruff, along with their research mentor Yvonne Kellar-Guenther, have provided us with a great deal of actionable data. Thanks also to I.B.M., who provided a $10,000 grant to support the research.
The researchers will be creating a white paper detailing the results of the study, and we will share that with you when that is complete.
Monday, October 25, 2010
SmartHomes Featured at Technology Conferences
In conjunction with the Coleman Conference, the American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR), along with the National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare and the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals, hosted the 2nd Annual Technology Leadership Summit.
Since these two events were located right here in our neck of the woods, it provided a great opportunity to share the story of our SmartHomes project. And share we did!
Representatives from several organizations attending the conferences took tours of the Bob and Judy SmartHome in Boulder, including folks from Maine-based OHI, Connecticut-based Ability Beyond Disability, New York-based Westchester Arc, and Alliance, located right here in Colorado.
But the SmartHome tours weren’t the only way our SmartHomes were represented at the two conferences. SmartHome PR guy Fred Hobbs presented on Social Media (see the presentation slide show below) and hosted a round table on the subject, and SmartHome guru Greg Wellems hosted a roundtable discussion on business leadership.
It is becoming abundantly clear that more and more organizations are looking to Imagine!’s SmartHomes and SmartSupports projects to serve as blueprints for their own future plans for serving some of our nation’s most vulnerable citizens. We are happy to share what we know, what we’ve learned, and what we don’t yet know – we think that approach will ultimately serve all of us better!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
More Of Mandy On The Radio
Listen to the piece to find out.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Hanging Out At The Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Now We're Cooking!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Help Gerald Make It To Vegas!

On Monday, October 18th, from 3pm to 9pm Twisted Pine Brewery in Boulder will be donating $1 for every pint sold to go to Gerald’s vacation fund. This is extremely helpful, as Gerald’s limited funds means it is difficult, if not impossible, for him to travel. But with a little assistance, Gerald will be enjoy the sights and sounds of Las Vegas for the first time!
So if you are free, come on down to the Twisted Pine (3201 Walnut St) on the 18th, watch a little Monday Night Football, and support a good cause.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Upcoming Presentation
Here’s one example: SmartHome PR guy Fred Hobbs will be presenting at the ANCOR 2nd Annual Technology Leadership Summit October 22. The title of his presentation is: Getting Social: One Organization’s Success.
To see other presentations scheduled for SmartHome team members, click here.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
No On 60, 61, and 101
A spate of initiatives on the ballot for Colorado’s upcoming election threatens our ability to provide those opportunities in the future.
Imagine!’s Board of Directors has voted to oppose Amendments 60 and 61 and Proposition 101 on Colorado’s ballot this November. Watch the video below to learn why.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Employee Spotlight
“I love the challenge and the fact that no two days are alike,” Meagan Witt, a Communication Teacher with C.O.R.E./Labor Source, told us as she discussed her job. “I love building good rapport and relationships with the amazing people we serve, as well as working alongside such dedicated and compassionate teachers and staff. Most importantly, I think it is so valuable to help give our consumers a voice, and help improve their ability to communicate, whether that be through sign language, a device, or verbally.
“One major highlight for me right now is helping Gerald Stopa use his device to increase his sound and symbol recognition, beginning the foundation of literacy. When Gerald finds the right letter for a sound, he seems so proud of himself, and being part of that process, for me, is second to none. In the last three months, Gerald has gone from recognizing only a few sounds and letters to being able to sound out ten words, and I cannot wait to see what he will accomplish next. These are only a few of the things that make my job so great.”
Meagan’s supervisors, Jeri Kofoed and Nicole Linke, sent us the following comments about why they value and appreciate Meagan. “Meagan does excellent work with all our consumers and continues to have a positive impact on their lives and our department. She provides the consumers in her classes with the tools they need to be heard by working to improve their communication skills in speech, sign language, Dynavox, and Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS). Meagan is professional, creative, and engaging in each one of her classes. She takes the time to connect with each of our consumers and understand what their needs are before creating a plan. She ensures her classes are individualized and are meeting the goals of each person. Meagan has quickly become an integral part of the C.O.R.E./Labor Source team and we are so thankful to have such a dedicated and caring employee.”
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Engineering a Dream

Want some examples? Well, one team has agreed to create a wheelchair laundry carrier and wash machine loader for Anthony, one of the residents of the Charles Family SmartHome in Longmont. The carrier and loader will allow Anthony to transport his own laundry and place it in a front loading washing machine.
Another team is working on creating a wheelchair broom attachment that will allow Anthony to help with cleaning chores around the house.
These projects will help in providing individuals with limited mobility such as Anthony the opportunity to take control of their own lives and activities. Most of us take those opportunities for granted, but if you have never had the ability to do your own laundry in your life, the chance to do that work on your own for the first time can have a profound impact on your self-esteem as well as your ability to live independently.
The class isn’t just doing projects for Anthony and SmartHome residents, though. Other activities include creating a wheelchair tray that can be folded and stowed and would have a contoured edge with magnetic plates bowls and cups, and developing a five switch programmable infra-red remote control that will give simple access to environmental functions for individuals with limited mobility.
We would like to offer our sincere thanks to Professor Piket-May and her students! Your commitment to your community is impressive!