Friday, March 16, 2012

SmartHome Communications Class

Enjoy these photos from a recent class for residents of the Charles Family SmartHomes. The residents are learning how to use their DynaVox communications device so they can communicate their needs and desire better, as well as control their own environment.

Shelly operated her communication device with her head switch and quickly went through a few pages to let us know what day it was, what class she was in, her teacher’s name, and that she had a doctor’s appointment later in the day.
At the end of class, now that the work was done, there was time to play a game.  Using her computer with this page, Shelly chose to play a game of coin toss, then chose what coin she wanted tossed (a dime), and whether it would come up heads or tails.  She chose heads which is what came up

As class is winding down and the game of coin toss is being played by Shelly and her classmates, Shelly demonstrates great pleasure after choosing a song by Lady Gaga

When it was mentioned that her nails looked nice, Shelly held out her hand so it could be photographed.

One of the pages on Shelly’s screen.

You can see Toby’s blue head switch for operating his computer.

Toby in communication class.

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