Monday, March 26, 2012

.Longmont SmartHome Cooking Class

These photos were taken at the Charles Family SmartHome in Longmont. It seems more functional that the residents learn how to participate in food preparation in their own house than in a classroom. The class was making a vegan pizza, with a sauce made with puréed white beans and garlic, and toppings of spinach, onions, apples, and potatoes. No kidding.

Using his Dynavox, Wes quickly greeted the photographer with: “Hello,” “How are you?,” and “It’s good to see you.”

Sarah adds measured spices to the pizza sauce.

Wes adds measured spices to the pizza sauce.

Sarah cutting an onion with Dani’s assistance.

Sarah cutting an apple with Dani’s assistance.

Loren pours a cup of measured onions into the bowl.

Loren puts spinach on the pizza.

Sarah adds spinach to the pizza.

Wes needs some hand over hand assistance from cooking class Instructor Dani, but his smile and enthusiasm make it plain that he enjoys participating in the preparation of the meal. Here he adds spinach to the pizza.

Cleaning up is an important part of cooking. Here Sarah wipes off the table.

Cleaning up is an important part of cooking. Here Loren wipes off the table.

The pizza is almost ready to come out of the oven.  Afterwards, the class gets to enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of their labor. 

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