The following update comes from Imagine! CEO Mark Emery's blog:
Hello –
I wanted to give you an update on how Imagine! and the people we serve have been impacted by the severe flooding hitting Boulder and Broomfield area.
Fortunately, right now we do not have any reports of injuries or fatalities, either among staff members or individuals we serve. So that part is good news, at least.
Unfortunately, many of our homes have been damaged because of the flooding, some significantly.
The worst hit was our Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome in Boulder. Up to four feet of water flooded the basement there overnight on Wednesday, destroying a good deal of equipment as well as the staff live-in apartment. Thanks to the hard work of many, sandbags were placed yesterday around the stairwell where the water entered, and we did not see more floods last night. The residents are still in the home and safe and there is partial electricity.
Imagine!’s Foothills St home is holding as well with minor flooding mitigated by a creative manual fix. However, the home is mostly cut off from anyone entering or leaving the area due to road closings.
Imagine!’s Tenino Companion Model Home has ankle deep water in the basement. The resident has been staying with her parents, but live in staff members are justifiably concerned about where they will stay next.
Imagine!’s 19th St. home is dry though a back porch is threatened. The staff there stepped up and helped a youth in our foster care system who was stranded at a bus station.
The Charles Family SmartHome in Longmont is unscathed but also cut off because of road closures.
Imagine!’s Garden Place home has standing water and a displaced live-in but residents are safe.
Imagine!’s Manhattan Place Apartments are dry and stable.
Linden Companion Model also has about ankle deep water in the basement. The contractors in that home are worried about their living situation for the future as well. As is Caledonia Companion Model.
Imagine!’s day services from Out & About and CORE/Labor Source were cancelled yesterday and today. We don’t know of any damage to our CORE/Labor Source facilities in Boulder or Longmont.
Our biggest concern right now is staffing. Like everyone in the area, Imagine! employees are having a difficult time travelling due to many road closures. Many staff members at our residences have stepped up and been absolute superstars, camping in homes, working extremely extended hours, and putting aside their own personal concerns to making sure everyone is safe and sound. I want to extend my sincere thanks to all of them for excelling during this moment of crisis. Administrative staff members are scrambling to make sure shifts are covered. I’m proud to know how this organization comes together in tough times, and it is inspiring to say the least.
I will share more as I learn more, but on behalf of Imagine! and everyone we serve, thank you for your concern and good thoughts. I know we will come through this stronger and I’m already awed at the way our staff members and the people we serve are getting through this with humor and strength.
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