The following post was submitted via an audio email from John, who is a resident at the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome in Boulder, Colorado. The audio emails are part of the technology the SmartHome provides the residents so they can communicate with their friends and families in an easy way.
“Hi, this is your friend John. How was your weekend? I know that the Broncos lost in double overtime but I hope that they’ll change things around and hopefully they’ll have a great, better season again. So, I just want to tell you hi. I’ve been to the I-Max and I saw polar bears during the movie, and I had pizza from Pizza Hut. I went to church on Sunday, and that was about all. Oh, I watched the NFL playoffs again. I’ll talk to you soon, and I’ll send
you a good joke next time. Bye .”
That's the way John! Lets not forget it was a great season, and they had 11 wins in a row, just had to be an upset sometime, sure. It reminds me of the Broncos back in 1997 when they had a stellar season of wins but were knocked out on first playoff game by the Jaguars. The next years the Broncos came back and won it all with Elway twice in a row!