Monday, March 22, 2010

John at Work

Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome resident John Rohrer works at Oskar Blues Brewery in Longmont, paying taxes and spending his hard earned money in the community. Technologies available to John at the SmartHome allow him to be more independent, which in turns makes it easier for him to hold down a steady job. What better way to demonstrate how providing opportunities to SmartHome residents (and all Imagine! consumers) to engage fully in the community benefits us all?


  1. John...Thank you for all your hard work at Oskar Blues. Your Can Bling makes the fine people in the Southeast very happy. Keep up the good work my friend.

  2. Hey John,

    I got my can bling and I rock it when I get toasted. Thank you for your work, John!!

  3. John, ALL of the people out here in California appreciate your hard work! Bling on my friend! Bling on!
