Emily, who lives at Imagine!’s Charles Family SmartHome in Longmont, has been testing a re-introduced University of Colorado School of Engineering Assistive Tech project, which uses an LED light and an infrared controller to teach cause-and-effect skills. Emily is enjoying it very much and has been doing a fantastic job adding her own color and flair to the house!
Learn more about other awesome CU projects by watching the short video below.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Technology Tuesday
We are pleased to announce that we have a new puppy at the Charles Family SmartHome . . . well, sort of!
Zoomer, an interactive smart dog, has moved into the home! This puppy is a learning robot that utilizes voice commands (over 15 different commands), movement sensors, and chest sensors that allow him to know when he is near other objects, to interact with individuals, and to navigate around them (aka wheelchairs & stairs).
This voice-activated pup has a big personality that's expressed through a seemingly limitless litany of tricks, tactile and verbal interactions, and routines. Zoomer can learn and interact with different users and be programed with customized commands, offering great learning opportunities for all of the SmartHome residents.
Zoomer, an interactive smart dog, has moved into the home! This puppy is a learning robot that utilizes voice commands (over 15 different commands), movement sensors, and chest sensors that allow him to know when he is near other objects, to interact with individuals, and to navigate around them (aka wheelchairs & stairs).
This voice-activated pup has a big personality that's expressed through a seemingly limitless litany of tricks, tactile and verbal interactions, and routines. Zoomer can learn and interact with different users and be programed with customized commands, offering great learning opportunities for all of the SmartHome residents.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Guess Who's Touring The SmartHomes?
Scott Conlin, Robotics Volunteer Coordinator at Central Elementary School in Longmont, brought five 5th graders from the school to tour the Imagine! Charles Family SmartHome. These bright young students were seeking to learn more about adaptive technology and how it helps our community. SmartHome resident Anthony assisted greatly with the tour and shared how he uses tools like his iPad, door lock, and schedule for work. He did a great job!
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Technology Tuesday
Here’s a picture of Joey, who accepts services from Imagine!’s CORE/Labor Source department, learning how to code using Osmo for iPad. The program uses the iPad's front facing camera to observe what’s below the iPad so he can actually receive in the moment feedback on his coding set up. Keep it up, Joey!
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Technology Tuesday
This week's Tech Tuesday comes from Imagine!’s Charles Family SmartHome, where Shelly is demonstrating her new iPad. Once the iPad had been set up, we had asked Shelly to show us some of the things she uses her iPad for, and the first thing she did was navigate immediately to the camera app to take a selfie. Check out the video below. This, of course, isn't the only thing that Shelly has been using the iPad for. Not by a long shot. She also loves altering photos with various effects, she uses her iPad to independently navigate through Netflix in her downtime, she uses her e-mail to keep in touch with friends, as well as her guardian, and (probably her one of her favorite pastimes) uses her device for shopping online. Amazing work, Shelly, keep it up!
Can’t see the video? Click here.
And here’s the selfie she took!
Can’t see the video? Click here.
And here’s the selfie she took!
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Technology Tuesday
Here’s a fun way for you to use social technology to support Imagine!.
Lucky's Market South Boulder is using its Facebook page to select which organization will receive its next quarter's Bags for Change donations. They have selected five organizations as nominees, and Imagine! is one.
Here's how you can help us get selected: go to the Lucky's Facebook post linked here, then "Like" the Imagine! post in the comments.
It's that simple! Thanks for helping out, and thanks Lucky's South Boulder for thinking of us!
Lucky's Market South Boulder is using its Facebook page to select which organization will receive its next quarter's Bags for Change donations. They have selected five organizations as nominees, and Imagine! is one.
Here's how you can help us get selected: go to the Lucky's Facebook post linked here, then "Like" the Imagine! post in the comments.
It's that simple! Thanks for helping out, and thanks Lucky's South Boulder for thinking of us!