Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Technology Tuesday

On Friday, April 17, Imagine!’s Out & About department is hosting its Centre Stage Kids Style Performance 2015: Anansi and the Moss Covered Rock. The play is based on a popular African Folk Tale series Anansi Stories.

What does this have to do with technology, you might ask? Well, one of the performers, Jordyn, will use her computerized communication device to recite her lines. Check out the short (one minute) video below to see her in action.

Can’t see the video? Click here

Jordyn’s mom, Leslie, explains the process:
  1. Once the device is open and ready for her to perform, Jordyn can automatically advance the device to her next line just by looking at it. 
  2. When Jordyn looks at the screen you will see a red dot form. If she looks at it long enough, which isn't very long, the red spot will become a red dot. This means that she has selected that button and it will perform the auctions associated with it. 
  3. Each of Jordyn's lines has a different picture from the previous one so she (and staff members) can be sure she is set for her next line. 
This is a simple but very profound way that technology opens doors for individuals with a variety of disabilities to demonstrate their creativity and artistic talents.

By the way, while this theatre program is already moving forward, Out & About has started a crowdfunding campaign to make sure they have the funds to make it as successful as possible. Please consider helping to support this creative and exciting project. Check out the following video below to learn more, then click here if you would like to donate to this campaign.
  Can’t see the video? Click here.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Shelly – Imagine! Ambassador Extraordinaire

On Monday, Shelly, who receives services from Imagine!, and staff members from Imagine!’s Innovations department attended a Community Provider Fair for families who have family members living in Wheat Ridge Regional Center. Shelly acted as an ambassador at Imagine!’s information booth and shared her story about successfully moving out of Wheat Ridge Regional Center to a more community based setting (Imagine!’s Charles Family SmartHome). Shelly did a fantastic job adding new content to her Dynovox (her computerized communication device) and really enjoyed the chance to share. Great work Shelly, and thanks for helping out!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Technology Tuesday

Imagine! is partnering with the University of Wyoming (Go Pokes!!!) to create assistive technology for individuals we serve. Here’s one project that is almost complete - an Assistive Technology Robot Arm and Wrist Support! The overall goal of this project was to engineer and design a system that is integrated into an existing powered wheelchair frame such that a client would have adjustable wrist support with their control hand, as well as one-touch control of a motorized robot arm capable of moving the client’s communication device in and out of their line of sight. The robot arm has the capability of holding a communication device and the ability to retract to a position that does not interfere with the client’s ability to operate the wheelchair. The arm was made for Gerald, who lives in Imagine!’s Santa Fe Group Home.

 Check out the video to learn more.

  Can’t see the video? Click here

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Sharing With Waban

Organizations serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the country continue to look to Imagine! for advice and input on how to incorporate technology into their services. Case in point: yesterday, Imagine! SmartHomes guru Greg Wellems had a lengthy phone chat with Kelly Raye, Residential Consultant from Maine-based Waban Projects, Inc. Maine has recently amended their Home and Community Based Waiver Services guidelines to include remote monitoring, and Kelly sought out Greg to discuss ideas, approaches, challenges, and lessons learned from our SmartHomes experience. Greg reports it was a very beneficial meeting for both he and Kelly.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Technology Tuesday

A little while ago, we let you know that students of Sri Kurniawan, Associate Professor at the Baskin School of Engineering at the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC), are collaborating with Imagine! by having some of her students help to create apps for Imagine! clients as part of a student project.

This is Imagine!’s second app development project with UCSC. Go Banana Slugs!!

Today, we’d like to share a video demonstrating the apps in more detail.

Can’t see the video? Click here

Monday, March 16, 2015

Exploring Collaboration Possibilities

This morning, Marilyn Wolf, the Rhesa "Ray" S. Farmer Distinguished Chair of Embedded Computing Systems and Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar at the Georgia Institute of Technology, met with SmartHome honchos Greg Wellems and Kevin Harding to discuss collaboration opportunities. We're excited to see how we can work together to explore technologies that open doors for individuals with intellectual disabilities!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Imagine! Community Forum Set For March 31

You Are Invited to the Annual Imagine! Community Forum 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015 from 5:45-6:45 PM Aspen Family Services 450 Courtney Way, Lafayette, CO, 80026 

Do you have questions, concerns, or ideas about Imagine!? Then join us for our Annual Community Forum on Tuesday, March 31. Representatives from Imagine!’s staff and Board of Directors will be on hand to answer questions and receive input from families and local community members. Join us in person or by phone! Topics to be discussed include:
  • The State of the State 
  • Ending Waitlists in Colorado/Growth at Imagine! 
  • Community Capacity Issues 
  • Conflict Free Case Management and its Implications 
To attend in person: R.S.V.P. @ (303) 665-7789 To attend by phone: 1-877-668-4490 Access code: 573 659 219 (while listening in, you can view the slideshow presentation at http://imaginecolorado.org/online-multimedia-events)

To email your questions/comments in advance: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ImagineForum2015

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Technology Tuesday

In the short video below, Imagine! Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome resident Johnny and Site Supervisor Shannon share how they are using an iPad app to overcome language barriers and communicate effectively.
Can’t see the video? Click here

Monday, March 9, 2015

SmartHome Residents Shine

On Friday, February 27, residents of the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome attended Shine, an evening of dinner, dancing, games and friends hosted by Flatirons Community Church. As the pictures below (courtesy of Site Supervisor Shannon Bundy) attest, a great time was had by all!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Johnny's Birthday Celebration

Johnny, the newest resident at Imagine!’s Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome in Boulder, recently celebrated his birthday with his new roommates and friends. Enjoy the pictures from his celebration, shared with us by Site Supervisor Shannon Bundy.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Spread The Word To End The Word

Today is the annual Spread the Word to End the Word Awareness Day. Imagine!’s Innovations Advocacy Council would like to remind everyone that "Respect" starts with the words that we use on a daily basis.

The Innovations Advocacy Council understands that it is not always easy to stop using words that have become industry standards, but through the commitment of the people who provide services, the family members, and the individuals in services, a cultural change can occur.

The Power of a Word

Words can hold great power and it is through our words that we can potentially hurt or demean others. The council has created some alternative word choices to use:
  • Instead of using “consumer” or “client,” use “individuals with disabilities” or “people with disabilities,” or better yet, refer to our individuals simply as people and/or individuals. 
  • Instead of using the terminology “high-functioning/low-functioning,” try to explain the parameters of the situation. For example, instead of saying high-functioning, you could say that the person is independent in the community and requires minimal supports. Instead of saying low-functioning, you could say the individual requires additional assistance with daily living tasks. 
  • Above all else, we should never use the R-Word. While everyone understands that this is an official diagnosis, there are other ways in which to express the diagnosis such as developmental disability or intellectual disability, and plain and simple, this word is offensive regardless if it is used clinically or not. 
For further information or to take the pledge, please visit the Spread the Word to End the Word official website.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Technology Tuesday

Imagine!’s Dayspring department provides educational and therapeutic services that promote and support children ages birth to three who have developmental delays or disabilities, their families, and the community.

Dayspring therapists have long used the latest in technology to help in delivering meaningful and impactful services. Today, they share some online apps that they have found useful in their work.

Kids Countdown
This app helps children learn how to delay gratification.

Available at Apple iTunes

and the Google Play store.

This toddler’s seek and find activity book uses scenes to learn cause and effect, receptive language, and iPad use.

Available on iTunes and Google Play.