Last fall, we told you that
Sri Kurniawan, Associate Professor at the Baskin School of Engineering at the
University of California Santa Cruz was collaborating with Imagine! by having
some of her students help to create apps for Imagine! clients as part of a student project.
Here’s an update on one of the projects:
Students have created a customizable app for individuals served by Imagine! to use to study and review numbers, shapes, and colors. The app is an HTML 5 app, so it works on cross platforms (for example, on an iPad or on a desktop computer).
When an individual uses the app, the results are shared to a database, so an administrator can have easy access to results and track progress of each individual using the app.
The customizable aspect of the app means it can be tailored to create personalized reinforcers, which means it can be adapted to the user’s age and interests.
Right now the app is being tested. Below are some screen shots from that testing, showing how it works.
The home page.
This is a number prompting mode. A voice prompt asks the user to select a particular number.
If the user isn’t able to identify the number, the voice prompt asks the user to identify the number again, but makes it a little easier by highlighting the number on the screen.
If the user still can’t identify the number, another prompt is offered and the number becomes even easier to identify. However, the user can’t move forward in the game until he or she correctly identifies the number.
When the user correctly identifies the number, he or she gets a personalized reinforcer and can move forward with the game. So in this case, a Broncos fan can get a “way to go” from none other than Peyton Manning himself!