Welcome to “Technology Tuesday.” Imagine!’s SmartHomes team has moved fully into the second phase of our project, where we are using the SmartHomes technology in unique ways, taking it into other settings, and sharing it with clients beyond just those living in the homes. We want to share those stories with you. We hope these stories will be short and easy to read insights into how technology is changing the lives of everyone served by Imagine!, not just those living in the SmartHomes.
This week, Rebecca, who lives in the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome in Boulder, is working on a PowerPoint presentation for her upcoming Individualized Plan (IP) meeting. Inspired by the Innovations Advocacy Council’s “IP Project,” this gives Rebecca the opportunity to present her own goals for the upcoming year. The Innovations Advocacy Council provided Rebecca with a series of questions in order to help her prepare for the IP, explaining that she could use any medium she wanted to use to present. Along with Shannon, the Assistant Site Supervisor, Rebecca decided that creating a PowerPoint presentation would be a lot of fun.
“Not only did this project give Rebecca the opportunity to learn to spell new words that are important in her life, but it also gave her the opportunity to express herself creatively with a new medium,” Shannon explained. “She now has the skills to start a new project, add new slides, add text to slides, find pictures online, and save them to a project.”
“[This project] was really fun,” said Rebecca. “I learned to spell new words like ‘theater’ and I put a picture of a princess in there too.”
Nice job, Rebecca!
Rebecca hard at work, creating her own PowerPoint presentation. |