Friday, May 31, 2013

Mandy Witnesses A Collision

This blog post was written by Mandy, who lives in the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome, and was sent to us in an email by Ian, an instructor in Mandy’s Creative Writing class at CORE/Labor Source. In the story, Mandy references her “On The Air” class, also taught through CORE/Labor Source, where students learn details about radio production at KGNU radio in Boulder.
The On the Air Incident
by Mandy

We were on our way home from KGNU, driving down Iris. We were about three blocks away from my house. A lady (we suspect, but don’t know for sure) was texting while driving. We all said, “Oh my gosh!” when the lady drove onto the sidewalk and ran into a telephone pole.

We drove around her (she was right in front of us) and parked on the street. Ian ran back to see if she was O.K. Both of her airbags had deployed and her whole front bumper was in someone’s yard. Her windshield was broken.

Thank goodness we weren’t involved. Another woman on the scene called the cops. I wonder if the woman lived at the house where the bumper slept. I imagine that whoever lived there said, “What the heck?!” when they saw the bumper.

The driver stood to the side of her damaged car, holding her iPhone and wiping away her tears. We are now more aware of something that can happen if we text and drive. I’m just glad we weren’t involved in the accident, especially since Yeti (our van) is finally fixed.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

CU Engineering Adaptive Equipment Project Spring 2013 -- Accessible Universal Remote

A group of University of Colorado students in Professor Melinda Piket-May's Spring 2013 Engineering class worked on adaptive equipment projects for individuals served by Imagine!. Check out this Accessible Universal Remote, which puts environmental controls in the hands of individuals with disabilities that make using standard remotes difficult, if not impossible.

Can't see the video? Click here.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

AT Partners 2103 Expo Scheduled For June 2

The 2013 AT Expo: Technology for Living & Learning, sponsored by Assistive Technology Partners, is planned for June 2, 2013 from 11am to 3pm at The Conference Center at Adams 12 in Thornton, Colorado. The AT Expo will feature vendors showcasing the latest innovations in hardware, software, educational materials, Assistive Technology (AT) devices and solutions for home, school, work and play. Colorado organizations that provide services to individuals with disabilities or to those who are experiencing problems associated with aging will also be present.

The AT Expo is free and open to the public.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Donna Says Losing Weight Is Awesome

See the photo below of SmartHome resident Donna exercising? Her hard work is paying off. Here’s what she told us in an audio email recently:

“I was just wanting to let you know that I went down to Pearl Street today and had my ring resized, and I got down to a size 6 and I’m pretty happy about that. It was really an awesome thing to find out, that I’d lost the weight in my finger. And I got to cruise down Pearl Street while I was doing that, and it was fun.”

Way to go, Donna!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Guess Who's Touring The SmartHomes?

On Tuesday, Dr. Sander Orent and Lisa Coatney of Arbor Occupational Medicine took a tour of the Charles Family SmartHome in Longmont.

Here’s what Lisa had to say afterward: “Not only is the home beautiful, organized and tidy, it was amazing seeing the integration of technology into a safe, supportive family setting for your residents.”

Thanks for touring and the kind words, Lisa!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

CU Engineering Adaptive Equipment Project Spring 2013 -- Interactive Puzzle

A group of University of Colorado students in Professor Melinda Piket-May's Spring 2013 Engineering class worked on adaptive equipment projects for individuals served by Imagine!. Check out this interactive puzzle, which is an accessible and fun way to reinforce cause and effect relationships.

Can’t see the video? Click here.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Last week, Imagine! SmartHomes technology guru Kevin Harding was a presenter at NetSuite’s SuiteWorld 2013. Kevin spoke on a panel discussing “Technology Trends Shaping IT Spending Directions.” Way to go, Kevin!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Gerald Shows Off His New Model Train

Gerald wouldn't say if he is laughing about his model train chugging down the hallway of the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome last night, or the photographer rolling around on the floor lying on his belly trying to take this picture. Gerald bought the train at Target with money he earned at his job at Twisted Pine Brewery. It doesn't need a track, has two speeds, and the engine has a light on the front like a real train.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Donna Donates Her Ponytail To Locks Of Love

This photo and story came to us through an email from Whitney Vaught, one of the staff members at the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome in Boulder.

Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome resident Donna has been thinking of getting her hair cut, and just Monday, she not only got a haircut but had 13 inches of her hair taken off. Pictured is Donna with Whitney, who is holding the ponytail that Whitney cut off.

When asked if she had kept the ponytail as a souvenir, Donna, in a matter of fact tone, told us that she had donated her hair to Locks of Love, a public, non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. Way to go, Donna!

Just last night Donna told us that she is very happy to have her hair shorter, and that life is just easier with her hair shorter. Donna's husband Gerald assured us he likes her new hair style too.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Rebecca Teaches A Dog New Tricks

This photo came to us in an email yesterday from Chantelle Tweten, the site supervisor of the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome. Rebecca’s physical therapist Ingrid has been bringing Raven the therapy dog to the home to help Rebecca with her balance strength (and to have some fun too).

In the photo, Rebecca is teaching Raven the therapy dog how to roll over. Right now Raven likes to roll half way and then ask for a treat. Rebecca is helping Raven to learn the full trick.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Anthony Describes His Former Drywall Job

This post is from a conversation with Anthony, who is a resident at the Charles Family SmartHome in Longmont. We were discussing various jobs we’d had.

"I used to do drywall with a friend. I would pull my wheelchair up against the wall my friend was working on, and I would brace it with my chair and my arm. Then my friend would hammer it in and I’d hold it steady. You have to make sure you don’t get a bubble in the tape when you’re putting it on, or you will have problems later. It was a good job, but we got pretty dirty at times."

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

CU Engineering Adaptive Equipment Project Spring 2013 -- Light Panel

A group of University of Colorado students in Professor Melinda Piket-May's Spring 2013 Engineering class worked on adaptive equipment projects for individuals served by Imagine!. Check out this Light Panel, which is an accessible and fun piece of equipment that can also be used to teach cause and effect and provide a sense of control over an individual's environment.

Can’t see the video? Click here.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Gerald Thrives With A Dynavox Communication Device

This blog post came to us in an email from Meagan Rountree, who at the time was an Instructor in Gerald’s CORE/Labor Source Creative Writing class. Here is some background information Meagan sent us, and below that, in italics and bold, is Gerald’s article.

“Recently, Gerald presented a Mission Moment at the Assistive Technology Partners which talked about his use of his Dynavox communication device and how he has benefited from having it. It shows a lot about his journey, his challenges and his success. Gerald was responsible primarily in creating and typing this story. He gave me messages in his device to steer me in the direction he wanted to go. I would help him word things and he would agree or disagree with my suggestions. I then hand-wrote our final draft on a piece of paper which Gerald then copied on the computer using his device keyboard which is interfaced to the computer."

Having my device has improved my life in many ways. My device helps count inventory at my job so I can be a functional member of the team. It gives me opportunity to express myself to my staff friends and members of the community and learn about others which helps me build relationships. I love to tell people about myself and my wife using my device sometimes I struggle with my device because it only contains pre programmed messages. Sometimes there is something I want to say but don’t have a message that expresses it in my device at this I either find another message to express it or reller (rely) on verbal speech which represents its own challenges and requires patience and problem solving on behalf of the person I’m talking with. Overall, the benefits of having my device outweigh the limitations and challenges it can present.

These photos of Gerald were taken a few months ago
at a CORE/Labor Source Creative Writing class.

Gerald uses a finger switch to type.

This is Gerald's typing station, which is set up so he can type what is written above.

Friday, May 10, 2013

CU Engineering Adaptive Equipment Project Spring 2013 -- LED Floor Lamp

A group of University of Colorado students in Professor Melinda Piket-May's Spring 2013 Engineering class worked on adaptive equipment projects for individuals served by Imagine!. Check out this LED Floor Lamp, which is an accessible and fun piece of equipment that can also be used to teach cause and effect and provide a sense of control over an individual's environment.

Can’t see the video? Click here.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

CU Engineering Adaptive Equipment Project Spring 2013 -- Artist's Light Board

A group of University of Colorado students in Professor Melinda Piket-May's Spring 2013 Engineering class worked on adaptive equipment projects for individuals served by Imagine!. Check out this Artist's Light Board, which is an accessible and fun piece of equipment which can assist in creative exploration.

Can’t see the video? Click here.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

John Reviews “Jack The Giant Slayer”

This blog post was sent via an audio email by Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome resident John to his friend Gary.

“Hi, this is John. I went to the Cinema Grill, it was fun. I saw ‘Jack the Giant Slayer.’ It was about a beanstalk. I thought that was really cool but it was a little bit scary.

Here’s a good joke. ‘What is a deer that has no eye? It’s no eye deer (no idea).’ I hope that you understand that one. OK, bye.”

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

CU Engineering Adaptive Equipment Project Spring 2013 – Jelly Fish Lamp

A group of University of Colorado students in Professor Melinda Piket-May's Spring 2013 Engineering class worked on adaptive equipment projects for individuals served by Imagine!. Check out this jelly fish lamp, which is an accessible and fun piece of equipment that can also be used to teach cause and effect.

Can’t see the video? Click here.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Guess Who's Touring The SmartHomes?

Scheduled to tour Imagine!’s Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome today: David Bohn, President of Colorado Springs-based Thrive Communities. Thrive Communities is building a 50-unit low income housing for people with disabilities, and they want to be sure they include cutting edge technology.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Happy Birthday, Was!

Wishing the happiest of birthdays to Charles Family SmartHome resident Wes. Make it a great one, Wes!

Friday, May 3, 2013

CU Engineering Adaptive Equipment Project Spring 2013 – Party Cube

A group of University of Colorado students in Professor Melinda Piket-May’s Spring 2013 Engineering class worked on adaptive equipment projects for individuals served by Imagine!. Check out this party cube, which is an accessible and fun piece of equipment that can also be used to teach cause and effect.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Happy Birthday, Chris!

Wishing the happiest of birthdays to Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome resident Chris. Make it a great one, Chris!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

CU Engineering Project Spring 2013 – Game Changer

We all like to play games. But many games can be difficult for those with limited mobility to access. A group of CU Engineering students in Professor Melinda Piket-May’s Spring 2013 Semester class have created a game so some of the individuals served by Imagine! may take part in their own games, and control the games themselves. That may seem simple, but if you have never been able to be in charge of your own game board before it is a powerful step toward independence. Check out the video below as the students describe their project.


Can't see the video? Click here.