Monday, April 30, 2012

SmartHomes (And Gerald) In The News

There was a great story from this weekend’s Daily Camera about Imagine! SmartHome resident Gerald and his job at Twisted Pine Brewery.

Check it out here.

The story also featured a cool video:


Friday, April 27, 2012

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Gerald Uses A DynaVox To Select His Favorite Twisted Pine Beer

Last week, SmartHome resident Gerald was interviewed by a reporter from the Daily Camera newspaper about his job at Twisted Pine Brewery (the story is scheduled to run this coming Sunday). Afterward, we took a few pictures of Gerald demonstrating how he can use his DynaVox computerized communications device to indicate his favorite Twisted Pine beer. A great example of how technology is giving him more control over his world. Check out the captions to learn more!

Gerald showed us how he uses a finger switch for his DynaVox  to do inventory work at Twisted Pine.

When he was asked what his favorite beer is, Gerald quickly found the page with the different Twisted Pine beers that he uses during inventory.

Now you can see the bottom row highlighted in the red perimeter as he’s zeroing in to choose Billy’s Chilies. Billy’s Chilies is infused wheat beer with fresh Serrano, Habenero, Jalapeno, Anaheim, and Fresno chili peppers. Great choice, G!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


As this blog post is being written, Imagine! SmartHome staffers Kevin Harding, Greg Wellems, and Sterling Wind are presenting a webinar for members of The American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR) on “Strategically Implementing Technology in Your Organization - Step 2: Prioritization & Planning.”

Sound interesting? Then check out the slideshow from their presentation:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

SmartHome Residents Serve On Advocacy Council

Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome residents Lana, Donna, and John are serving as members of the Innovations Advocacy Council. The council was created by Imagine!’s Innovations department. The members were selected based on their interest in advocating for individuals with developmental disabilities and enjoyment of working within a group brainstorming ideas and plans. Way to go, guys!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Rebecca In Sign Language Class

Even though Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome resident Rebecca can speak and hear, she chooses to take a sign language class through CORE/Labor Source because some of her friends communicate using sign language. Enjoy the pictures below.

Rebecca makes the sign for "friend"

Rebecca makes the sign for "happy"

Friday, April 20, 2012

John Gets Down At Hollywood on 4th Street

Yesterday, we showed some pictures of residents of the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome attending “Hollywood on 4th Street” – a Hollywood themed dance for adults in the Northern Colorado community with developmental disabilities. The dance was put on by our good friends at Colorado LifeSharing. Today, enjoy a fun video of resident John boogieing down.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dancing At Hollywood on 4th Street

Last Friday, several residents of the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome attended “Hollywood on 4th Street” – a Hollywood themed dance for adults in the Northern Colorado community with developmental disabilities. The dance was put on by our good friends at Colorado LifeSharing.

Rebecca won the dance contest. John had a blast. Donna and Gerald went as a couple. Enjoy the pictures below!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hope's Choices

As proud as we at Imagine! are of our SmartHomes, we know that the homes themselves can only serve a very few people. That is why part of the second phase of our SmartHomes project is to test and refine technologies that can be used by other individuals with intellectual, developmental, or related disabilities.

Here's one example of where we've started that effort. In the video below, Hope, a individual served by Imagine! (but not a SmartHome resident) is using technology to learn the first step in communicating on her own by pushing a button to indicate choices. That may seem simple, but for someone like Hope, who has never had the capability to verbally or physically indicate her preferences to others, the simple act of making his own choice is a profound first step toward independence.

You may have seen some earlier videos of Hope using a hand switch to indicate her choices (check them out here). This video also shows a progression, as Hope is now using a head switch, which will ultimately give her more control over her environment, as she has more ability to use the head switch when compared to the hand switch.

The video also demonstrate how Imagine! is taking a system-wide approach to implementing technology to improve the lives of those we serve.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Batter Up!

Last night, Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome residents Donna, Gerald, and Mandy enjoyed a night of Colorado Rockies baseball at Coors Field. Enjoy the pictures below. And a big thank you to Bob Kretsch for donating the tickets and Cailin McCarthy for taking them!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Happy Anniversary, Chris!

Today we’d like to offer our congratulations to Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome resident Chris, who is celebrating his five-year anniversary of working at Imagine!’s Dixon St. office. Chris’s enthusiasm for his job is contagious, and we are delighted to see him every morning. Way to go, Chris!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Presenting At CEC Conference

SmartHomes project manager Sterling Wind, Imagine! PR guy Fred Hobbs, and SmartHome resident Mandy presented yesterday at the Council for Exceptional Children’s 2012 National Conference. Enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wes Goes Square Dancing

Sticking with our arty photo theme from yesterday, here’s a really cool picture of Charles Family SmartHome resident Wes at a square dance he attended recently. Looks like he had a great time!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Happy Belated Birthday, Shelly!

Wishing a belated happy birthday to Charles Family SmartHome in Longmont resident Shelly. Here’s a cool, kind of arty, picture of her during her party. Looks like they had a great time!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Celebrate National Siblings Day!

Today is National Siblings Day, so we’d like to take this opportunity to give a great big shout out to all the siblings of the residents of Imagine!’s SmartHomes. Siblings play a vital role in the lives of their brothers and sisters with disabilities, and many of the folks who live in our homes are blessed with incredibly supportive siblings – supportive of their loved ones, and supportive of our SmartHomes project. That support is essential to the success of our project.

If you are interested in learning more, check out The Sibling Leadership Network (SLN), a national nonprofit dedicated to providing siblings of individuals with disabilities the information, support and tools to advocate with their brothers and sisters and to promote issues important to them and their entire families.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Mandy Preps For Presentation

Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome resident Mandy met with SmartHomes project manager Sterling Wind today to plan for their presentation scheduled for this Thursday to the Council for Exceptional Children’s National Conference. They are going to present on Mandy’s use of technology and social media. Good luck guys, we know you’ll do great! 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Rebecca Is Ready For Easter!

Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome resident Rebecca is ready for Easter! Here’s hoping all of our SmartHomes fans and friends have a great holiday weekend.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Donna Using Endeavor Email System

Yesterday we posted some audio of residents living in the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome in Boulder testing out their new Endeavor audio email system, which allows them to easily send emails to friends, family, and loved ones. Here’s some photos of Donna using the system. Check out the captions to see how it works!

Steps one and two:  Donna turns on her computer and clicks on the “Endeavor” icon from her screen.

Step three:  Donna clicks on “Endeavor Email.”

Step four: From this screen, Donna can check her inbox or create a new message.  She clicks on “New Message.”

Donna was about to send an email to her friend John (you can see the arrow pointing to John’s picture), but just then John walked in to see what was going on so she decided to send an audio email to her husband Gerald and clicked on his picture.

Step six: This is how the screen appears now, and Donna just waits for the beep (as indicated) and begins talking with her message to Gerald.

Step seven:  This is how the screen appears while Donna is recording her message, and when she is finished recording her message, she clicks on the green button, “DONE.”

Step eight:  Here the screen’s choices allow Donna to review her message (the green circle “PLAY”),  re-record (the red circle “RECORD”), CANCEL (the red rectangle), or SEND EMAIL (the green rectangle).

Donna is finished, the screen just lets her know her message is completed and is being sent.

John congratulates Donna on a job well done. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

SmartHome Residents Testing New Email System

Residents living in the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome in Boulder are testing out their new audio email system, which allows them to easily send emails to friends, family, and loved ones. Click here to hear an email from SmartHome resident John sent to Imagine!’s Communications Coordinator Gary Stebick.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Check Out Donna's Latest Blog Post

What does Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome resident Donna have planned for Easter?

Check out her latest blog post to find out.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Light It Up Blue For Autism

Today is World Autism Awareness Day, and SmartHome residents and staff members are “Lighting It Up Blue” to help shine a light on autism.

Learn more here.