This blog post was provided to us in person by Donna and Gerald at their home, the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome in Boulder.

We had a really nice Thanksgiving. Some friends from church invited us over to their house. They even rented a wheel chair ramp so we could easily get into their house with our wheelchairs. (
apparently U-Haul rents ramps for a very affordable price).
For dinner we had turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, mashed potatoes (one of Gerald’s favorite foods), and pumpkin pie and whipped cream.
It was fun to have a few little kids there. They add to the excitement with all the energy they have. You have to ask yourself, “Where do they get all that energy?” They can run around until they’re totally exhausted. Then they eventually tend to get tired and a little cranky, but that's how it goes.
The kids sure got a kick out of our wheelchairs. They thought it was like having a car in the house, and I guess they're right. They get us from point A to point B, just like a car does.
When we got home, we talked to mom (
Gerald’s mom), and she's doing pretty well. We found out that Gerald’s sister has moved to Texas. She gets around. She lived in Alaska for a while too.
Well, we’ll be putting up some Christmas decorations this weekend at our house, so that will make for a good time. Bye bye for now.